Meredith Shelby

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Charlotte Conley

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 26, 2012

6 Months (and 1 week and 1 day) Already!

I can't believe our precious Charlotte is already 6 months old.  I feel like I just had her. She is such a sweet baby.  I could kiss her sweet little face all day long!  She always has a big smile!  She smiles so big her cheeks make her eyes squint.  She laughs at so many things.  If Meredith walks into the room Charlotte starts to laugh.  Meredith likes to come up with bigger and better "stunts" everyday to make Charlotte laugh harder.  I'm a little worried that Meredith is going to hurt herself with these stunts!

Charlotte is doing so many new things these days.  She can sit up by herself about 90% of the time.  I don't walk too far away because she still tips over every now and then.  When she does lay down she loves to suck her toes.  It is hysterical!  Sometimes she has both feet in her mouth.

She loves her swing outside.

She likes to watch Baby Einstein videos.  She will watch about half of a video, which gives me enough time to do something fun like load the dishwasher or do laundry.  I am convinced that the "experts" that say children should not watch any TV before the age of two do not have any children!  It is not like I put my girls in front of the TV and let them watch The Real Housewives of Atlanta all day, it's Baby Einstein!  Here she is chewing on Sophie the giraffe while watching Baby Noah.

She likes to help us feed her.  Sometimes she grabs the spoon right out of our hand.  You can tell by her cheeks that she does not miss a meal!  We will start working on eating little puffs soon.

It took longer than we had expected to have our sweet girl, but she was so worth the wait!  We love you Charlotte Conley.