Meredith Shelby

Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Charlotte Conley

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 23, 2012


We spent Easter with my parents in Hunt.  We had a wonderful time.  It was a long car ride for Charlotte.  She was great for the four hours to Kerrville, but then she was done with being in her car seat.  Luckily we only had about 30 minutes left of our trip!  Meredith was great for the drive.  She got to watch movies in the car and pick out a snack at Bucees!  What three year old wouldn't want to do that?

We went to Fredericksburg on Friday for a little shopping.  On Saturday we went swimming and dyed Easter eggs.  Meredith had so much fun hunting for eggs on Sunday.  We spent hours hiding and finding eggs!

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